Recovering Truth, Freedom, and Democracy: Challenging Woke Totalitarianism

            It’s time for the silent majority to stand up and challenge the misguided dictates, social chaos, and totalitarian rule of New Left Marxist and extreme environmentalist, feminist, LGBTQ, diversity, equity and inclusion activists wherever they can.  This inspiring, researched guide exposes their false truths and empowers us to challenge and replace the leaders of churches, universities, schools, professional associations and governments who have failed us. The goal is to recover the Judeo-Christian spiritual truths, values and trust that all thriving democracies depend on; male and female identity; freedom of speech; and the democratic rule of the majority.

             “…a comprehensive and thought-provoking appraisal of what ails our times.  It is well worth reading.”   Dr. Patrick Brennan.


Introduction: Woke is the Opposite of Truth, Freedom, and 


1. Human Reason as False Truth

2. Liberalism as False Christianity

3. Climate Emergency as False Science

4. Feminism as False Female

5. Homosexuality as False Male

6. Diversity, Inclusion and Equity as False Justice

7. Death as a False Ending

8. Recovering Objective Truth………………………….……..166

9. Recovering Freedom…………………………………...……186

10, Recovering a Democratic Compromis……………………191


 Available August 2024, revised November 2024

Available from the publisher with free delivery in Canada, ($ 19.95 Gishler Group, Better Books and Bibles Calgary, Amazon (paper and Kindle) and bookstores worldwide through the Ingram publishing network.   The author is available for book talks in Calgary or on zoom at 1-587-438-1119.

Print ISBN 9781775212737. $19.99 USD or $ 27.50 CDN in Canada.

Kindle eBook ISBN 97817712744.  $9.95 U.S.`

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Wokeism is the Opposite of Truth, Freedom, and Democracy                    

This inspiring plan explains the existential crisis of our time and gives readers hope that there is a positive way forward to recover the truth of Christianity, climate change, female, male, diversity, equity, inclusion and a fairer democratic compromise with the needs of minorities.

The cover picture of the January 6 riot in the US says it all. As Nietzsche warned and history has shown; when we lose our respect for divine truth; social order; breaks down and there will be mass violence followed by totalitarian rule. The good news is that the silent majority is tired of woke totalitarianism. They are already revolting against their destructive false replacement truths. New Christian churches are springing up that are teaching the objective spiritual truths of the Bible and thriving. A huge majority of voters in Ireland defeated their governing parties proposed woke agenda. Electric vehicles are piling up unsold in storage. Since 2023, 81 anti-D.E.I. bills that target programs at U.S. colleges have been introduced in 28 states. and in Congress. [i]

But this is just the beginning of the revolt of the silent majority against woke totalitarianism. Recovering truth, freedom, and democracy will depend on the silent majority understanding how we got into this mess and having the hope of this practical way forward to get out of the mess. 

This guide explains:

·      How dangerous wokeism is,

·      What objective truth is -- what has been seen to be true in all places and times and cannot be disproven,

·      How we lost objective truth, including the 7 objective spiritual truths of the Bible all thriving democracies depend on,

·      How to recover objective truth and freedom, and

·       How to recover a fairer democratic compromise between the needs and rule of the majority, and the needs of the minorities. 

The Oxford English Dictionary defines woke as:  

“Progressive or left-wing attitudes or practices, esp. those opposing social injustice or discrimination, that are viewed as doctrinaire, self-righteous, pernicious, or insincere. Hence: such attitudes or practices are seen as constituting a collective social movement or agenda.” (Downloaded Sept. 16, 2024)

 Woke began as a call to African Americans in the United States to become more alert to “racial prejudice and discrimination”.[ii] An early example in the United States was the paramilitary youth organization the Wide Awakes. They which formed in Hartford, Connecticut, in 1860 to support Abraham Lincoln the Republican candidate in the 1860 presidential election. Local chapters of the group spread rapidly across northern cities and "triggered massive popular enthusiasm" around the election. The political militancy of the group alarmed many southerners, who saw in the Wide Awakes confirmation of their fears of northern, Republican political aggression. The support among the Wide Awakes for abolition, as well as the participation of a number of black men in a Wide Awakes parade in Massachusetts, likely contributed to such anxiety.”[iii] [iv]

 “Beginning in the 2010s, woke came to be used as slang for a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial injusticesexism, and denial of  LGBT rights. Woke has also been used as shorthand for some ideas of the American Left  involving identity politics and social justice, such as white privilege and reparations for slavery in the United States”.[v] [vi] [vii] [viii]

Wokeism is a mental stronghold. This is explained in psychology as a self-deception. The human brain automatically filters out information that it considers irrelevant to protect the mind from being overwhelmed from all the senses. It also filters out information that is stressful, so a person both knows and does not know, because the information does not come into the conscious mind. This is why you cannot argue with an alcoholic or terrorist. I explain mental strongholds from a spiritual perspective in Going Spiritual: Discovering, Developing and a Spiritual Life. They. are caused by natural psychological self-deception and Satanic deception working together to build a mental stronghold, like alcoholism, that is difficult to overcome.

Wokeism is a failure to take responsibility for a failed lifestyle or culture and adapt to the truths and values of Judeo-Christian culture. Life is competitive. The most fit succeed. All are obligated to self-sacrificial love of neighbour and care for those who are less fit. Giving away 10% of your income is a test of love. The truth of history is that cultures with Judeo-Christian faith, truth and values have been the most successful. Wokeism attracts those who are trying to get ahead, without adopting the spiritual truths and values needed to thrive. 

Wokeism is a child of Postmodern philosophy that is defined as 

“of, relating to, or being a theory that involves a radical reappraisal of modern assumptions about culture, identity, history, or language”[ix]

Postmodernism rejects concepts of rationality, objectivity and universal truth. Instead, it emphasizes the diversity of human experience and multiplicity of perspectives.”[x] Richard Wolin summarizes the conclusion of French philosopher Jean- Francois Lyotard’s pioneering work on postmodernism as “(there is no universal “truth” or “reason)””[xi]

Postmodernism is an irrational, atheist way of thinking that is based on minority opinion without any over-arching sense of order. In simple language it seems to be the chaos of liberalism gone mad in its rejection of historical experience, reason and divine authority and order. 

This has birthed the (to many) complete nonsense of “intersectionality”, a new word invented by critical race theory lecturer Kimberie Crenshaw. Intersectionality is th

“…study of how overlapping or intersecting social identities, particularly minority identities, relate to systems and structures of oppression, domination, or discrimination.”[xii] [xiii]


This is the fruit of losing our respect for objective supernatural truth and order. Now anyone can say anything, and everyone else is required (by law) to be respectful of their “truth”. 

The result has been our time of spiritual, sexual, social, and political chaos. Churches have failed to teach the supernatural truths of the Bible that Western freedom, democracy, and social order was built on. Universities and schools have failed to teach objective truth. They have produced citizens who are ignorant of history and unable to distinguish between truth and opinion.[xiv] As citizens they are unable to participate in the informed civil debate essential to a thriving democracy. Professional associations have also failed to be responsible for defending objective truth. Irresponsible politicians have failed to protect freedom and the democratic rule of the majority; from the rule of the woke mob.

The result has been that:

·      Objective truth has been replaced with media disinformation and minority opinion. 

·      Freedom has been replaced with discriminatory human rights, anti-discrimination and diversity, inclusion, and equity policies.

·      Democracy has been lost to identity politics and the totalitarian minority rule of the different, the less competent and the spiritually and sexually confused.

In one sentence, New Left Marxist and extreme feminist, and LGBTQ woke activists have deconstructed the foundation of spiritual truth that Western freedom, democratic order, and economic progress was built on. They have replaced objective truth, with the false truths of flawed human reason, minority opinion and identity politics. We will show that these woke truths are the opposite of objective biblical, scientific, and psychological truth.

We cannot have freedom and democracy without the evidence of history and shared experience determining what is true. If whatever the king, dictator or fascist woke mob says is true is truth. we do not have truth or freedom. This is what is happening in our time. This is why we are so confused and angry. We need to wake up (pun intended) and challenge woke totalitarianism to recover objective truth, freedom, and democracy. If we do nothing Nietzsche predicted, and history has shown, that if we lose:

“...the Judaeo-Christian values serving as the foundation of Western civilization...” and specifically the “...existence of a transcendent, all-powerful deity... everything would soon fall apart, in a manner catastrophic both psychologically and socially.”[xv]




1.The Lost Foundation of Spiritual Truth

“Shared beliefs simplify the world, as well, because people who know what to expect from one another can act together to tame the world.”[xvi]


“The King James Bible was read in every church throughout the country (England) and the archaic language which was heard so regularly by so many embedded itself in the nation’s conscience and vernacular”.[xvii] 

“Truth is a strong god that beckons us to the matrimony of ascent.” (R. R. Reno, “Return of the Strong Gods: Nationalism, Populism, and the Future of the West”.)

In my first career as an economist, I was interested in why some countries developed politically and economically while others became failed states ruled by dictators. I discovered that real parliamentary democracy and the industrial revolution first began in England. The unique thing about England was that unlike Europe where wars of religion had discredited the Church, the Bible had been translated into English in 1611 and was the only book available to most people. It was deeply embedded in the culture.

A thriving democracy has been seen in all places and times to depend on both a Judeo-Christian cultural foundation of shared truths and the personal freedom of speech and action of divine social order. A healthy fear of divine judgement and hope of an eternal spiritual life of joy, motivates people to a self-sacrificial love of God and neighbour. They can trust each other to keep God’s Commandments and resolve conflict through respectful debate and majority rule. This is the opposite of the woke minority who have deceived, bullied, and intimidated the majority to impose their false truths. Truth is the real existential problem facing our freedom and democracy.

The 7 truths of the Judeo-Christian foundation of truth have been seen to be true in all places and times including our own. They are invisible spiritual truths. They are the supernatural dimension working in the natural or physical dimension. 

The evidence of these truths proved the authenticity of Jesus and the Apostles. Sadly, they have been almost lost. This has disempowered the Church. The good news is that historically these truths were built into the culture of some countries and enabled citizens to trust and cooperate with each other in the rule of the majority, under the authority of God. 

The seven lost objective spiritual truths are the biblical theology of the Judeo-Christian foundation of truth. They are explained in detail in Chapter 8 to guide the silent majority in challenging or replacing the elected leaders governing churches, professions, colleges, universities, and schools who have failed to teach or affirm them. 



1. The Holiness of God

The holiness of God is the sum and essence of the foundation of the supernatural truths that bind us together under divine authority and judgement. The Ten Commandments are rules for life that define how we are to obey God and love our neighbour to be in a holy relationship with God and our neighbour. “Holy Matrimony” for example is the spiritual opposite of same-sex marriage. God is not like us. God is the holy -- pure, whole, complete, undivided, all-knowing, all-powerful creator of everything. We are unholy, impure, incomplete, divided, and unknowing. The central teaching of the Bible is that individuals who rebel against God’s order, like Adam and Eve, are guilty of sin (rebellion), made unholy, and cannot be in God’s holy presence in heaven when they die. 



2. The Process and Order of Creation

The creation story teaches us the importance of Darwin’s overlooked process of creation. Evolution and survival of the fittest is God’s order or way of ensuring creation evolves to show more and more of God’s glory. This is how things get better. The order of creation is from less complex and competent to more complex and competent. Humans are at the top and working together in obedience to God as stewards of creation. This is the opposite of our satanic woke diversity, inclusion and equity policies which discriminate against better, excellence and competence in rebellion against God’s plan. This is survival of the less fit, the different and the deluded. 



3. Male and Female Identity and Relationship

The Creation Story teaches us that man and woman are created to be signs of God’s glory in the world. They are jointly responsible for the continuing stewardship of creation. The Bible, physiology and psychology teach us that they are spiritually, psychologically, and physiologically designed to be opposite, interdependent, and incomplete without the other. Pope John Paul II described the greatest sign of the glory of God as the union in self-sacrificial love of these two opposites. They are spiritually joined together in Holy Matrimony to continue God’s creation of humanity.



4. How Satan and Spiritual Evil Works

The competition model in the Creation Story includes Satan who deceives Eve into disobeying God’s clear instructions not to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. She says God told her she would die if she ate the apple. Satan said she would not die. Both statements are true. Eve, like us, would die spiritually and be put out of an eternal relationship with God. She would not die physically until old age. We have an enemy of our souls, with an army of evil spirits who try to tempt us, deceive us, destroy us spiritually and separate us from God. 



5. The Divinity, Resurrection and Forgiveness of Jesus

“If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.” (John 20:23)


Many Christians have not been taught the foundational biblical and spiritual truth that the Holy Spirit or Spirit of God came over Mary and caused her to conceive Jesus. (Matthew 1.18) If they cannot understand and believe in this supernatural truth, then they cannot believe in the divinity of Jesus. If Jesus was merely a man; then He logically cannot give His life for the sins of the world, and we are all dead in our sins. This all depends on the divinity and resurrection of Jesus. The Resurrection of Jesus celebrated at Easter is God’s divine yes to the New Covenant of Jesus. God would accept the sacrificial death of Jesus as full payment for all the sins confessed and taken to Jesus for forgiveness. Our part is to believe in Jesus and show this by repenting, confessing, and asking Him for forgiveness. The Resurrection is objective truth. The Risen Jesus was seen and touched by many people in different places. Many people in our time have spoken to Jesus in heaven and returned to earth. I have talked to one of them. The evidence is that the witnesses’ lives were and still are dramatically changed.



6. Supernatural Healing and Deliverance Ministry

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.” (Luke 4.18-19)


Supernatural physical and spiritual healing and deliverance in Jesus Name is unique to Christianity. No other religion can point to the physical evidence of this healing prayer ministry in many places and times up to the present. The miracles were evidence of the authenticity of Jesus message. The ministry includes supernatural physical healing and deliverance from spiritual oppression, through the confession of sins, forgiveness in Jesus Name and prayer. Specifically gifted and anointed ministers act as a holy pipe through which the Holy Spirit can come and heal. In Chapter 8: Recovering the Foundation of Spiritual Truth this is explained more fully for the many pastors, clergy and laypeople who are unfamiliar with this ministry.



7. Holy Spirit as the Continuing Presence of Jesus

“When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me. (John 15.26)


The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, revealing and helping us understand the teachings of Jesus and the Bible. As the continuing presence of Jesus, Holy Spirit comes (when invited) to believers with an amazing outpouring of spiritual gifts.  We experience the guidance of the Holy Spirit intuitively as our conscience. The gifts of the Holy Spirit include healing, words of wisdom, words of knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, distinguishing between spirits and tongues. Paul explains that these gifts are given as the Spirit desires. They are not a sign of spiritual superiority to be used for personal gain but to build up the community of the Church. This is why different people have different gifts – and why we need to be together in a church community. 

To recover these spiritual truths, we all need to understand how they fit together and depend on each other as a coherent social foundation of discipline for the development and sustaining of freedom and democracy. Some of this will be new information for many clergy and lay people. In Chapters 1-7 we will explain them in a practical examination of what the Bible, modern experience, science and psychology and modern experience says is truth, in contrast to the false truths of reason, liberalism, extreme feminism, homosexuality, diversity, inclusion and equity. This will prepare us for Chapters 8, 9 and 10, which are a call to challenge these destructive false truths wherever we can – in churches, academia, schools, professions, government, and business.




2. Wokeism is the Opposite of Truth

“Truth is the first casualty of activism.” (George Jonas, National Post, March 15, 2008)

“Then you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” (John 8.32)

It is difficult to define woke truths as they are the product of multiple protest groups without central co-ordination or organization. Their beliefs or truths are often incoherent slogans based on word manipulation. They sound plausible to voters who are only vaguely aware of political issues. The classic example of truth manipulation is the Nazi lie, repeated over and over, of the Jews being responsible for the Germany’s defeat in the First World War. A more recent example of truth being turned upside down is ‘diversity’. Diversity sounds at first like a good idea, until you realize the woke interpretation means reverse discrimination against white male Christians and competence in hiring people. Each chapter will expose the destructive results of woke false truths, and how naïve supporters were manipulated and bullied by totalitarian social media tactics into affirming them.

The radical New Left Marxist movement can be traced back to Timothy Leary at the University of Berkeley in the 1960s. Francis Schaeffer was there. The decline in education standards can be traced to a change in education priorities in the 1970 when:


 “Master of Education programs began to prioritize students’ emotional wellbeing, as if the knowledge that one is special sufficiently prepares a child for life in the real world.”[xviii]



To recover truth, freedom, and democracy we need to know the truth, understand how truth was deconstructed and be able and willing to challenge the woke false truths causing our social chaos. What follows is a guide or a manual that is intended to arm the silent majority, social influencers, politicians, the media and concerned citizens for the challenges of recovering truth, freedom, and democracy. 

We will begin in In Chapter 1 – Human Reason as False Truth by tracing how the transcendent foundation of Judeo-Christian truth was deconstructed by the intellectualization of Christian doctrine and the devaluation of the supernatural worldview of the Bible. 

 The consequence of modern thinking that disregards divine truth has been the false truths of: Liberalism as False Christianity, Climate Emergency as False Science, Feminism as False Female, Homosexuality as False Male, Diversity, Inclusion and Equity as False Justice and Death as a False Ending. We will expose the emotional, cultural, social, and economic destruction of each of these false truths and propose how they need to be challenged. 

 Chapter 2 - Liberalism as False Christianity is a review of the Apostles’ Creed to expose the truth that liberalized Christianity is becoming the opposite of Biblical Christianity. We will show how extremely liberal Christians do not believe in the supernatural worldview of the Bible and its seven lost truths. 

 In Chapter 3 “Climate Emergency as False Science”, we will examine what the annual measured global warming data says in the wider perspective of the last thousand years. This will expose the fraud and statistical manipulation of politicized computer-generated projections that have become ‘settled science’ in the minds of the New Left Marxist environmentalist woke mob. We will expose the social, economic, and environmental destruction of the war on carbon and the flawed science of wind and solar power and electric vehicles. 

Chapter 4, Feminism as False Female, moves us into the possibly offensive but affirming truth (spoken in love) that extreme feminism has confused, devalued, and robbed many women of their intuitive and nurturing gifts and feminine identity. We will see that the biblical order of creation, physiology and psychology are all in agreement on an understanding of the feminine that is the opposite of extreme woke feminists. We will see how female intuitive thinking was devalued by intellectualism in the Church, Cartesian Dualism, and the rise of male rational thinking. The consequence ‘reason alone’ thinking has been social chaos with men and women struggling to find their identity and dysfunctional marriages unable to nourish partners and unable to raise thriving future citizens. 

 Chapter 5 is the other side of the equation. Homosexuality as False Male explores the current identity crisis of men. We show that what the Bible, physiology and psychology agree on as normal male, is the opposite of woke LGBTQ opinion. This will explore the causes of homosexuality, show it is not normal and explain how sexual confusion can be healed through voluntary psychological counselling and authentic healing and deliverance ministry.

In Chapter 6 we expose the totalitarian witches brew of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity as False Justice that imposes these destructive policies in academia, schools, professions, private businesses, and government organizations. This is New Left Marxism - Nazism by stealth in the name of imagined injustice. It is deconstructing freedom of speech and action, excellence, productivity, and competitiveness in a competitive and dangerous world.

 In Chapter 7: Death as a False Ending exposes the motivational and spiritual cost of losing our hope of an eternal spiritual life of joy that begins at baptism and continues in Heaven. This hope was the glue that held the foundation of truth together, and motivated people to the self-sacrificial love of neighbour; that enabled the trust and co-operation necessary to develop a free and thriving democracy.

Chapter 8 is a call to recover truth by challenging churches to overcome their liberalism, denominationalism, and cowardice in the face of the woke mob; and teach and defend the seven lost spiritual truths of the Bible. Publicly funded universities and schools and professional associations must also be challenged to teach objective truth, including the history and spiritual truths of Judaism and Christianity on which our freedom and democracy was built. Chapter 8 is also a call to recover truth by challenging politicians to revise and improve truth-destroying hate-speech and disinformation legislation.




3. Woke is the Opposite of Freedom and


“Democracy is the necessary expression of humility in which all persons and institutions are held accountable to the transcendent purpose imperfectly defined.” (Richard J. Neuhaus. Naked in the Public Square. p.116)


“Woke activists can’t participate in a reasoned debate -- they have nowhere to hide.” (Lawrence Fox, Leader of the U.K. Reclaim Party in podcast with Jordan Peterson, 2023. downloaded 24-24-02


“Woke is fascism with a smiling face” (Bruce Pardy. video interview. www.nationalpost.comJune 14, 2023)


 Woke New Left Marxist, diversity, inclusion, and equity activists have used Nazi bullying media tactics and word manipulation to confuse and limit our freedom of speech and action. This has already happened in universities, professional associations, schools, public boards, private businesses, and governments. This is New Left Marxism by stealth, to implement and enforce their failed anti-capitalist woke truths. This is mob rule by the different, the sexually and spiritually confused and the less qualified. It is the opposite of and is destroying our freedom of speech and the majority rule of democracy.

Instead of facing their differentness from the more successful majority and working harder to be more competitive (like President Obama), they have chosen to deny and challenge truth, gain (totalitarian) political control, and legally force the majority to also deny reality and treat them as ‘more equal’, not different, and not less competitive. Have a headache?

The woke New Left Marxist, environmentalist and extreme feminist and LGBTQ movement is in a destructive struggle for power and control between the different, the wounded, the less competent and various spiritually and sexually confused minorities, and the normal, the healthy, the competent, and the spiritually and sexually secure majority. We will expose how woke activists have twisted the meaning of positive sounding words to mean the opposite. They have used social media bullying and political activism to deconstruct the objective truths of the Bible, science and psychology that contradicted their opinions. This woke totalitarianism, using Nazi word manipulation and bullying practices has now become embedded in discriminatory human rights, anti-discrimination, marriage, and conversion therapy laws. It is now being enforced in academia, schools, professional associations, governments and businesses through discriminatory diversity, equity, and inclusion policies. 

This is the opposite of democracy, which is based on free speech, rational civil debate, an informed electorate, and majority rule. Trump’s ‘lock her up’ defeated Hillary Clintons’ rational debating skills. This is a very serious existential challenge for free speech and democracy.

As we will see in the following chapters, the social cost of woke false truth has been the deconstruction of Christian faith, scientific and psychological truth, male and female identity, families, child rearing, social justice, excellence, and competitiveness. The economic cost has been the weakening of free-market capitalism, excellence and thriving universities and businesses. Challenging this woke chaos and recovering Western truth, freedom and democracy is the existential issue of our time.

In Chapter 10 we will conclude with a call to challenge political leaders to recover the once thriving balance of the North American Compromise between the needs of the minority and the needs of the majority. Recovering this fair balance and a thriving social order will depend on the silent majority supporting and electing politicians who will revise socially destructive marriage, abortion, and conversion therapy legislation. This legislation is out of balance. We end with some proposals on legislation for regulating hate speech and disinformation. These are an existential threat to an informed citizenry, civil debate, and a thriving democracy. This is the bottom line between a thriving democracy and a continued descent into social chaos, mass violence and the godless totalitarian rule that Nietzsche and Francis A. Schaeffer foresaw.



[i] Erin GretzingerMaggie HicksChrista Dutton et. al, Chronicle of Higher Education. September 13, 2024 (Downloaded Sept. 21, 2024) 4

[ii] Calcutt, Clea (October 19, 2021). "French education minister's anti-woke mission". Politico. Archived from the original on October 20, 2023. Retrieved November 27, 2022.

[iii] Grinspan, Jon (2009). "'Young Men for War': The Wide Awakes and Lincoln's 1860 Presidential Campaign". The Journal of American History. 96 (2): 357–378. doi:10.1093/jahist/96.2.357

[iv] Wills, Matthew (June 29, 2020). "Abolitionist 'Wide Awakes' Were Woke Before 'Woke'". JSTOR Daily. Archived from the original on July 2, 2020. Retrieved July 2, 2020.

[v]  Morgan, Marcyliena (2020). "'We Don't Play': Black Women's Linguistic Authority Across Race, Class, and Gender". In Alim, H. Samy; Reyes, Angela; Kroskrity, Paul V. (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Language and Race. Oxford University Press. pp. 276–277. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190845995.013.13ISBN 978-0-19-084599-5.

[vi] Romano, Aja (October 9, 2020). "A history of 'wokeness'". Vox. Archived from the original on November 21, 2020. Retrieved March 2, 2023.

[vii] Mirzaei, Abas (September 8, 2019). "Where 'woke' came from and why marketers should think twice before jumping on the social activism bandwagon". The Conversation. Archived from the original on March 20, 2023. Retrieved April 8, 2021.

[viii] Cauley, Kashana (February 2019). "Word: Woke". The Believer. No. 123. ISSN 1543-6101. Archived from the original on May 10, 2022.

[ix] Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 18 Sep. 2024


[xi] Richard Wolin in Brittanica explains the writings of pioneering postmodern philosopher Jean-Francis 

[xii] Adewunmi, Bim (April 2, 2014). "Kimberlé Crenshaw on intersectionality: 'I wanted to come up with an everyday metaphor that anyone could use'". New Statesman. Archived from the original on April 5, 2014. Retrieved March 10,2016.

[xiii] Adewunmi, Bim (April 2, 2014). "Kimberlé Crenshaw on intersectionality: 'I wanted to come up with an everyday metaphor that anyone could use'"New StatesmanArchived from the original on April 5, 2014. Retrieved March 10,2016.

[xiv] Joel Kotein. Generation Crazed. National Post December 28, 2023. p. A9.

[xv] Jordan Peterson. Beyond Order: Twelve more Rules for Life (Random House Canada, 2021) p. 162-3.

[xvi] R. R. Return of the Strong Gods: Nationalism, Populism and the Future of the West. (Kindle I.O.S. version) Retrieved from p. 141 location 2205.

[xvii] George M. Trevelyan. England Under the Stewarts. (New York: Methuen & Co., 1980) p. 57.

[xviii] Francis A. Schaeffer. How Should We Then Live? (Old Tappen, New Jersey:     Fleming H. Revel, 1976) p. 120

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