January 11, 2025

The Baptism of Jesus -A New Covenant

The Bible is the story of God reaching out to man to establish a covenant relationship. A covenant relationship was an ancient relationship between a king or ruler, and his subjects. The  ruler would provide protection and land. The man would obey the ruler, serve in his army and pay taxes. We need to understand the history and importance of these covenants: 

1.     Adam and Eve would obey God and not eat from the one tree and live forever in paradise with God

o   They broke the Covenant, made themselves evil, and unable to be in God’s holy presence


2.     God gave Moses 10 Commandments to obey as proof of their love, obedience and holiness.

o   Hebrews also rebelled, broke the Commandments, God withdrew His special protection, and Israel was destroyed by its enemies.

o   In the Babylonian Captivity they repented and were finally allowed to return and rebuild Israel


3.    Isaiah Prophecies the Covenant of Jesus

Isaiah prophesied that God would make a new covenant and send a Servant who would have God’s Spirit on Him

o   Anointed by Holy Spirit

o   Would redeem them

o   Would be with them, protect them

o   Would be not just make but the Covenant 


4.    The Covenant of Jesus Baptism

Jesus models being washed with water. 

  • An outward visible sign of inner spiritual grace – 
  • spiritual cleansing to create a holy space for Holy Spirit. 


God sends the Holy Spirit to visibly land on Him 

·      and outward visible sign of an inner spiritual grace -  anointing with spiritual power and authority

·      Holy Spirit gives Jesus all the supernatural gifts and authority of the holy spirit:

o   Miracles

o   Healing and deliverance

o   Words of Knowledge

o   Discernment of spirits

·      God’s part in the covenant of Jesus is to forgive the sins of believers who repent and take their sins to Jesus and ask for forgiveness.

·      Jesus’s part in the Covenant is to voluntarily give up His life for the sins of the world

·      The Resurrection of Jesus at Easter is God’s yes to the Covenant – and God’s promise of eternal spiritual life for believers

·      Our part in the Covenant is to:

o    get to know Jesus personally through Bible study, prayer, worship and experiences of the Holy Spirit as the continuing presence of Jesus in the world and 

o   Accept Jesus as our personal Lord and Saviour

o   Renounce Satan, spiritual evil and temptations 

o   Continue in the reading of scripture, prayers, worship and 

o   When we sin repent, ask Jesus for forgiveness

·      In baptism we are washed and made holy so we can receive the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Holy Spirit so we can continue the ministry of Jesus:

·      Proclaim the Good News of forgiveness, healing and eternal spiritual life in Jesus

·      Open the eyes of the blind – physically and spiritually. 

·      Free the prisoners – from ignorance, sin, oppression

·      Releasing people from the dungeons those who sit in darkness - serious spiritual oppression. 

The Good News is that Baptized believers have the spiritual authority to free others from guilt and shame, cast out demons and free people from spiritual oppression.

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