October 14, 2023

Many Are Invited, Few Are Chosen (Proper 28A)

The Parable of the Wedding Guest is another teaching on the Kingdom of God. The message is familiar from the previous parable of the Tenants. People are given something - a vineyard or an invitation to a banquet, and there is a test, and a wrong response that leads to exclusion. 

  • The issue is how do we respond to God’s invitation. 
  • Test is who pays rent or comes and wears the wedding garment 
  • Putting on the wedding garment is getting onside, committed
  • Serious Christians put on Jesus, suffer, die and celebrate with Him
  • They are the ones chosen for the Kingdom 
  • Those who attend church but are not all-in, exclude themselves.


1. The first guests who were invited refuse the invitation

October 6, 2023

Ten Tests of Our Spiritual Life in God's Kingdom (Proper 27 Year A)

Baptism, like tenancy has obligations. The Parable is a warning that we are sometimes tempted to rebel against God and refuse to ‘pay the rent’. What is this ‘rent’? In our Baptism we promise ‘to continue in the Apostles teaching, in the fellowship and in the breaking of bread’ – to love and honour God. Moses explains the Ten Commandments by telling the people “God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.” (Ex. 20.20) The ten tests of our love of God are:


1. Have you recognized or given honour to other gods?