Bill C-6 combines criminalizing one-way “forced conversions” of teenagers; with the abusive criminalization of unbiased professional counselling on the benefits and risks involved in gender transitions. This is abusive for the 80 % of teens that transition into a sexual identity other than their birth or heterosexual gender who later have regrets. Bill C-6 criminalizes the unbiased professional counselling and prayer ministry they need because this could eventually “cause” teens to undergo conversion back to their birth or gender identity.
Discover, develop and heal your spiritual life with 300+ keyword searchable teachings on Sunday Readings, Christianity, spiritual life, healing prayer ministry and thriving churches.
December 17, 2020
December 8, 2020
Going Spiritual: Discovering, Developing and Healing a Spiritual Life half-price $ 10.00 in December
For Christmas I am offering my book Going Spiritual: Discovering, Developing and Healing a Spiritual Life for half price - $ 10.00 CDN during December. The postage in Canada is $ 5.00. This will help you get through this difficult time and discover a deeper and richer spiritual life. It describes how the challenges of three life crisis motivated me to read the whole Bible and discover its wisdom through personal experiences of the risen Jesus, Holy Spirit, Satan and healing prayer. This would help both beginners and those who need a comprehensive guide to healing prayer ministry. Details, reviews and a free sample chapter are available on the book page tab above. The eBook is also available from me at half- price $ 4.00 and on Amazon.
December 1, 2020
Conversion Therapy Bill C-9 Legalizes Child Abuse (For 270+ sermons & spiritual teachings use search box)
“Conversion therapy” is a new term developed by LGBTQ2 advocates. Bill C-6 would define it criminally as “… a practice, treatment or service designed to change a persons sexual orientation to heterosexual (opposite sex attraction) or gender identity to (birth) cisgender, or to repress or reduce non-heterosexual attraction or sexual behaviour.” This is then completely contradicted “clarified” by “… this definition does not include a practice, treatment or service that relates (a) to a person’s gender transition (b) to a person’s exploring their identity or it’s development.” A competent counsellor would realize instantly that (b) “exploring” could easily lead to a voluntary decision on (a) gender transition and “cause” a person to change their gender identity illegally to heterosexual or cisgender (only). This brilliant but devious writing has sadly confused and fooled most our parliamentarians on First Reading. Election victory is more important than protecting children.
November 20, 2020
Adapt Or Die - A Cry For Specific Practical Covid-19 Information (departure from the spiritual to the more practical issues of life)
It’s a war children - seven times as many Americans have died from Covid-19 as in the Vietnam War. Like the US Marines who are taught to “Adapt or die” in dangerous combat missions. Like them we need some basic practical information on how far the minimum infectious dose can travel in airborne droplets and how long this dose remains infectious on clothing, wood and metal surfaces in order to adapt to our new environment. Lockdowns and isolation have always been temporary measures in order to give the scientists and politicians time to find a way to adapt. It is outrageous that after 10 months of on and off lockdowns, vague strategies and confusing restarts; our political and scientific leaders have not been able to give us the simple basic scientific information we need to adapt to living and working safely in the new Covid-19 era.
November 14, 2020
How To Be People of Light in a Dark Time (Proper 33A)
Last week was probably one of the darkest times in many people’s lives. We have been traumatized by 10 months of fear, isolation, confusion over the Pandemic and the outcome of the US Presidential election. The Readings challenge us to be people of the light in this darkness. We are to have a faith, love and hope that encourages those ensnared the darkness of fear, confusion and hopelessness. Paul teaches us to not be found sleeping when Jesus returns. We are to use the gifts our master Jesus gives us to grow in love, faith and hope by putting on the breastplate of faith and love and the helmet of hope and salvation.
1. What was the darkness that ensnared the "wicked servant"?
November 6, 2020
War Is a Visible Sign of the Invisible Spiritual Battle (All Souls / Remembrance Day)
Today as we remember those who gave their lives in war for us, it is good to reflect on how such terrible wars could have happened. I grew up during the Cold War. When you live under the threat of world-wide nuclear extermination it focuses your attention. I have stood in the huge cemeteries of Europe where you can see over 17,000 crosses, each representing a young life cut short. The Good News is our hope that they inherited a more glorious eternal spiritual life of joy.
September 19, 2020
How Can I Believe? (Proper 29A)
How can I believe is the cry of our hearts as we seek the truth about God in a world full of chaos, evil and divided opinion. The short answer is YOU can’t on your own - but with God’s help you can. Like Moses and the Pharisees we need to experience Gods power and presence personally. Personal relationship and experience of the divine is the gift of faith. The readings help us understand:
· What belongs to God?
· How do we know we can trust God?
· How do we get this gift of faith?
1. What belongs to God?
September 7, 2020
Reconciling Conflicts With Love
(Available on Youtube "John Gishler")
Jesus is teaching us how to reconcile conflicts with love. Matthew 18 describes this section (v. 15-22) as “Dealing with sin in the church”. Paul explains that all sin is a failure to love God, our neighbour or ourselves. Conflict and unforgiveness pollutes our soul (sin) and separates us from God and other people. Today we are focussing on the work of the church to proclaim, teach and model orthodox faith with love. Jesus repeats Mt. 16.19 re-affirming the role of the church as holding the keys to the Kingdom with the authority of binding and loosing sin guilt. This three-step process of confidential reconciliation is the opposite of what normally happens. It protects reputations, determines the truth and facilitates forgiveness:
- Person goes first to the person to seek reconciliation
- Only if this fails, they take witnesses and go again to reconcile
- Only if both attempts fail do they take it to the church leadership, again in confidence, to avoid spreading the conflict beyond three or four people
Step #1: “Go and point out their fault just between the two of you”
September 5, 2020
How To Be a Christian (Pr. 22)
Jesus is preparing His disciples for His departure. He warns them of His death and Resurrection. He warns them of the danger of listening to Satan or our fear and then gives them the basics of how to be a follower and gain eternal-spiritual life:
- Deny themselves
- Take up their cross
- Follow Him
We begin our spiritual life in Jesus by reading the Bible, getting to know about Jesus, growing in love for Him and coming to Him for forgiveness. These are the three things we must “do” to “be rewarded according to what we have done”.(Mt. 16.27). The Romans Reading (12.9-21) gives us clear guidance on what this means:
- Deny Self
August 22, 2020
Love Binds and Looses (Proper 21a)
(Teaching available on John Gishler Youtube channel Aug. 22)
Binding and loosing are words that many people may not be familiar with. Jesus reveals His identity as The Christ - the long expected successor to Moses, who will free His people not from political and military oppression, but from the much more dangerous spiritual deception and oppression of Satan. Jesus is talking about the love of His sacrificial death that broke the power of Satan. This enables forgiveness of sin and frees people from their bondage. Jesus love binds us in a love relationship as the body of Christ. This binding and loosing is the essential work of the Church. The story of Moses birth illustrates how the fear of loosing the love of God strengthened the Egyptian midwives in disobeying Pharo’s order to kill male babies.
The Romans reading (12.1-8) explains how the love of the members of the body of Christ grows and binds them to Jesus and each other as they exercise their spiritual gifts.
- The midwives of Egypt were bound by “fear” of God
August 14, 2020
Deliver Us From Evil - Good News For Difficult Times
(Fr John is on vacation and will try to continue weekly Youtube services)
The readings are about faith. Faith is what holds us together in difficult times. Faith gives us the hope we need to carry on. It is very relevant to our present time. Joseph, the Cannanite woman and the apostle Paul all had faith that helped them get through difficult times. I found the Readings comforting after being reminded of the terrible corruption in American society watching a program on Hillary Clinton.
1. Joseph believed his hardship was God’s Plan
August 1, 2020
A Conscience Ruled By the Holy Spirit (Proper 18a)
(Watch on Youtube channel "John Gishler" Aug. 2)
The Readings are a profound message to all church leaders and anyone who would like to develop a serious Christian life. Jacob was wrestling with his conscience and afraid for his life. It was like wrestling with God Himself – and God let him win! Jesus is in grief over the death of John and overcomes it by focusing on what those around Him need – not want. Paul is also in spiritual grief over the Hebrew people who do not believe him about Jesus. We learn that listening to the Holy Spirit is why it is that some people “get it” and many do not.
1. Jacob’s conscience is bothering him for good reason
July 25, 2020
Holy Spirit Opens Our Eyes
Personal experiences of the Holy Spirit seem to be essential to becoming a serious believer in Jesus Christ. This is consistent with the message of the whole Bible and what Paul teaches in Romans 8.9. In the Gospel Reading Jesus is using the parables of the Mustard Seed, Hidden Treasure, pearl of Great Price and Net to teach us how difficult it is and how important it is that we come to Him and ensure we are justified or made right with God through faith in Him. The Good News as Paul explains to us is that we can all have a spiritual life in Christ if we really seek Him and cry out for the help of the Holy Spirit.
1. Getting Into the Kingdom is not Easy
July 18, 2020
Spiritual Life In The weed Patch (Proper 16)
In the Parable of the Weeds Jesus is giving us a critical teaching on how to develop a spiritual life in the face of evil. Our natural tendency is to fight with the weeds. Jesus says:
· Do not try to root out evil
· Be led by the Holy Spirit
· Endure suffering as an offering to God
1. Do not try to root out the evil
July 11, 2020
Regaining Our Birthright (Proper 15)
(Watch at
Our hearts are restless. This is particularly acute in this time of pandemic, fear of death, social isolation and inactivity. Many of us are alone at home with too much time on our hands – or so we think. Now that we have run out of projects and distractions it may be time to do some serious reflection on our lives. One of the first questions we could ask is “Who are we?” Many people think of themselves as a teacher, lawyer, housewife, manager, librarian etc. But that is what we do – not who we are. The readings explain how easily we lose our birthright – our identity as beloved children of God; and how Jesus as the Word and the Holy Spirit help us regain our true identity and a life of joy.
1. How did we lose our birthright?
July 4, 2020
Holy Spirit – The Yoke of Jesus (Proper 14 2020)
(Available on John Gishler Youtube channel Sunday morning)
Jesus is teaching us that spiritual wisdom is very different from intellectual wisdom. Christians need to put on His “yoke”- the Holy Spirit, to guide them in overcoming the conflict between their bodily or worldly desires and their spiritual or heavenly desires. Abraham’s servant gives us an example of choosing to be guided by divine wisdom instead of his human wisdom in finding a wife for Isaac. This is in contrast to Paul who is so steeped in human wisdom he cannot understand the conflict in his soul.
1. Spiritual wisdom is very different from human wisdom
June 27, 2020
Right Relationships For Spiritual Life (Proper 13a)
(Available on John Gishler Youtube June 28)
1. Right relationship with God
June 20, 2020
He Knows My Name (Fathers Day)
(See on John Gishler Youtube Channel.4K9VWQ? June 21)
1. Fathers give us a sense of value (Knows by name)
June 13, 2020
Forgiveness, Healing and Reconciliation (Proper 11 A)
1. Un-forgiveness separates us from God, self and others
June 6, 2020
We Need The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit (Trinity
May 30, 2020
Holy Spirit Unites Us To God and Others (Pentecost)
1. Who is the Holy Spirit?
May 23, 2020
"He Opened Their Minds" - Ascension
1. Jesus promised believers will be baptized by Holy Spirit
May 20, 2020
Home Church Prayer Resources

Holy Communion Service
Common Lectionary Readings:
May 16, 2020
We Will Come To You (Easter 6a)
(Home Communion video will be available on John Gishler Youtube channel May 16
Jesus is preparing His followers for the traumatic experiences of His death, Resurrection and Ascension (John 14.15-21). The death and Resurrection of Jesus shows us what believers go through at death. It authenticates the whole Covenant of Jesus and His teachings as of divine authority. The Good News is that we are not abandoned – God is with us always in the form of the Holy Spirit with all the power and authority of Jesus.
1. “Because I live you also will live” (v. 19)
May 9, 2020
Spiritual Relationships (Easter 5)
(Watch on John Gishler Youtube channel
1. How does this work?
May 2, 2020
Developing Relationship With Jesus (Easter 4)
(Homily will be on YouTube on Sunday May 3 with a home Holy Communion service
In John 10.1-10 Jesus challenges the Pharisees to give up their legalistic dependence on the Law of Moses and depend on Him as Messiah and Saviour. Jesus is describing Himself as the new shepherd of Israel and the (not a) “gate” each person must pass through into eternal life in His Kingdom. The test is that they know His voice and He knows them personally. The big question is how do you have a relationship with someone who died over 2,000 years ago? The Good News of Easter is that we can have an intimate, personal relationship with the Risen Jesus. The other Readings (Acts 2.42-47 and 1 Peter 2.19-25) teach us how to do this:
April 25, 2020
Easter 3 - Jesus Calls Us Into a Healing and Nourishing Spiritual Community
Jesus Calls Us Into a Spiritual Community )
1. Emmaus story is my story and your story
April 10, 2020
Spiritual Communion Gives Us Hope and Comfort
(Notes for Holy Communion service and teaching available on
YouTube Channel "John Gishler" Sunday April 19 at )
April 4, 2020
Good Relationships Focus On The Other (Palm Sunday 2020)
March 29, 2020
Lent 5 - Spiritual Life Depends On Relationships
March 21, 2020
We Are All Born Spiritually Blind (Lent 4 2013)
It did work out! Click on F at top right to go to Facebook - 2 posts - Gospel Reading and Teaching - Eucharistic Prayer:
Original 2013 Teaching: We Are All Born Spiritually Blind
February 14, 2020
Reconciliation Is The Way To Spiritual Life (Epiphany 6a)
1. Moses reminds the Hebrews they must choose.
January 20, 2020
God Reveals His Plan Of Salvation In Jesus (Epiphany 2 Year A)
- · We are living in a culture that is unhappy, confused, lost and seeking meaning and new life.
- · Readings describe three Epiphany moments when Gods plan of salvation was revealed
- · Isaiah prophecies’ in Babylon that God will raise up a servant who will give Israel new life
- · John realizes that Jesus is the “lamb of God who will take away the sin of the world” and give us new life. (1.29)
- · Paul describes the new life of “grace given to you in Jesus Christ”. (1 Cor. 1.4)
January 4, 2020
Right Way Forward For Conservatives (political comment by Fr. John Gishler)
- · Defining and defending modern conservatism
- · Defining and defending a modern conservative social platform
- · Defining and defending a modern conservative fiscal platform