(Notes from a book talk on “Going Spiritual: Discovering, Developing and Healing a Spiritual Life”
at Better Books and Bibles, Calgary on Nov. 24, 2018)
- What is Spiritual Life?
Watchman Nee explains the current confusion between “spiritual Life and soul life”. Many people are really living soulish lives - out of their soul (mind, will, emotions). They do not understand the functional differences between mind, body and soul.:
- Spend considerable time developing a diagram that would illustrate these relationships
- Found answer in Genesis 2.7 where God made man out of the earth and breathed on him to give him life - a living soul illustrates this overlap (purple)
- Function of body is biological life, the physical senses of touch, smell hearing
- Body makes demands on soul (mind and will) for food, heat, rest, security, sex and pleasure
- Function of our personal spirit is intuitive communication - God consciousness, love relationships, joy, conscience
- Personal spirit is where Holy Spirit lives as long as it is not polluted by sin - un-forgiveness, anger, lust, jealousy etc.
- Personal spirit grows and develops as we grow and develop our love relationship with Jesus and other people - and shrinks and dies if we do not (like solitary confinement)
- Function of the soul is self-consciousness - determining our identity, priorities, survival - our mind and will
- Soul (mind and will) arbitrates between the demands of our worldly body and the spiritual demands of our spirit
- Soul is carried to heaven when the body dies
- Spiritual life is the balance we maintain between these competing demands - the spiritual battle
2. How do we develop a spiritual life?