is a joyous celebration of God intervening dramatically in human history. The
Bible is the long history of God reaching out to people to have a holy love relationship
with them. There is joy and chaos as the Apostles try to understand what is
going on. They were obviously confused. We need to understand that this is a
real, historical event before we can go on to understand what it means for us and
our own Baptismal Covenant.
1. Was Jesus really dead and did this
really happen?
who do not understand or believe in the supernatural worldview of the Bible
have proposed alternative explanations of the Resurrection:
- Jesus was unconscious – contrary to Biblical accounts of un-survivable
torture, dehydration, piercing, blood
- Body was stolen – contrary to inability to find a
- Mythical – in spite of details, unflattering account
- Our whole faith hangs on the truth of this – as proven
by the changed lives, martyrs, multiple witnesses
2. What does the Resurrection mean?
Resurrection is Gods cosmic “YES” to the New Covenant of Jesus suffering and death
as sufficient payment for the forgiveness of the sins of all those who believe in Him. If God could raise Jesus to new life –
then we can hope God will raise us to new life. This is God’s part of the
Covenant – our eternal spiritual life. But covenants have conditions for both
parties. God cannot keep His part of the Covenant unless we keep our part. God’s
part of the Covenant is a promise that
- “Everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness
of sins through His name (Jesus – God saves )
- Sin and guilt pollute our souls and make it
impossible for us to be with God who is holy
- When we repent
and ask Jesus to forgive our
specific sins Jesus takes them to His Cross and pays the price
- The Good News is there is a new potential way to forgiveness, peace with God and an
eternal spiritual life of joy!
- Starts here with Baptism, goes on forever in Heaven.
3. What is our part of the Baptismal
part is to “believe in Him (Jesus) in the context of what God has done for us. God’s
part is summarized in the Apostles Creed. The long version is the sixty-six
Books of the Bible. If we have read the Bible and had some teaching; we should
be able to both understand and believe in
what Jesus did on the Cross. Believe in = trust in (not just know about). This
belief is tested by the Promises we make in Baptism:
Continue in the
Apostles teaching, breaking of bread and prayers – Baptized into an active worshiping
Need constant teaching, prayer, emotional
and when you fail repent and return to Jesus – Baptism into a living relationship
with Jesus
Need to understand the supernatural dimension
of the Bible and expect Satan to deceive us and tempt us
Good News by word and deed – speak out and share the Good News of
forgiveness in Jesus
Will you seek
and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbour as yourself?
Will you strive
for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every
human being?
Good News of Easter is that there is a God in Heaven.
God has revealed His
love for us in history and in Jesus who died for our sins – and was raised by
God as a sign of hope for us in an eternal
spiritual life of joy!
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