The “Reign of Christ” is celebrated on
the last Sunday of the Church Year. The Reign of Christ, which began with the
Resurrection continues on until the end of time. This Reign is breaking into
the physical world in our time as more and more people” listen to Jesus” and
decide to come under His divine spiritual authority (John 18.37c). These are
the ones who are “on the side of truth”. The point is that there is another
side, made up of those who oppose (i.e. Islam) or chose not to listen to Jesus;
and who have no part in His eternal Kingdom. Those who do chose to listen to
Jesus are moving “from error into truth, from sin into right-relationship and
from death to spiritual life” (Eucharistic Prayer 3, Book of Alternative Services).
Listening to Jesus moves us from error into spiritual truth
Jesus has revealed spiritual truth to
us through the example of His life on Earth, His teachings as recorded in the
Bible and through the gifts of the Holy Spirit that those who listen receive: